This info is old and no longer accurate

Darktide has an intricate system with many knobs to tune damage.

Among those knobs are:

All sources of rending_multiplier are additive.

Here’s a reference for various terms used in this doc:

Rending is sometimes thought to scale to Unarmoured damage.

This is inaccurate since Unarmoured damage is itself the product of base damage, armor_damage_modifier, and rending_multiplier.

rending_multiplier is multiplied by 1.0 - armor_damage_modifier.

When armor_damage_modifier is less than 1.0 it will increase damage.

When armor_damage_modifier is greater than 1.0 it will decrease damage (an acknowledged bug).

For example, a damage increase case:

rending_multiplier = 0.2 (20% Rending/Brittleness)
armor_damage_modifier = 0.6

difference = 1.0 - armor_damage_modifier
  = 1.0 - 0.6
  = 0.4

rending = difference * rending_multiplier
  = 0.4 * 0.2
  = 0.08

final_damage_multiplier = armor_damage_modifier + rending
  = 0.6 + 0.08
  = 0.68 (13.3% increase in damage)

and a damage decrease case:

rending_multiplier = 0.2 (20% Rending/Brittleness)
armor_damage_modifier = 1.8

difference = 1.0 - armor_damage_modifier
  = 1.0 - 1.8
  = -0.8

rending = difference * rending_multiplier
  = -0.8 * 0.2
  = -0.16

final_damage_multiplier = armor_damage_modifier + rending
  = 1.8 - 0.16
  = 1.64 (9% decrease in damage)

The value of a hit’s armor_damage_modifier is based on:

  1. charge (helbore, plasma gun, etc)
  2. distance (any range weapons)
  3. armor modifier for armor type
  4. crit_mod on crit if it exists for that armor type

Range stat scales dropoff start and end when interpolating near and far armor modifiers.

Some stats scale armor modifier.

Critical stat scales crit_mod if the hit has it.

For melee weapons charge and distance (1. and 2.) are not used.

For multi-hit attacks the armor_damage_modifiers are estimated from all hits.

Some attacks, like flamethrower, are not included due to lack of support.

rending_multiplier is also used in stagger calculations.

If rending_multiplier is greater than 0 for a hit then:

stagger_strength = stagger_strength * 2 * rending_multiplier

Note that when rending_multiplier is less than 0.5 it’ll reduce stagger_strength:

rending_multiplier = 0.2

stagger_strength = stagger_strength * 2 * rending_multiplier
  = stagger_strength * 2 * 0.2
  = stagger_strength * 0.4 (60% less stagger strength)

This is an acknowledged bug.

Weapons and Attacks

This list is intended to be used for determining how effective rending_multiplier is on a given weapon.

It is ordered:

  1. per weapon
  2. per attack
  3. per stat*
  4. per armor
  5. per hit (base, crit, or both)

*Along with the weapon stats are “flat” and “all 80% stat”:

Hits are formatted either as:

Which is a fixed armor_damage_modifier value that is modified by no stat.

or as:

Which is the armor_damage_modifier value with the stat at 0%-80% respectively.

hit is:

  1. base for a non-critical hit.
  2. crit for a critical hit.
  3. both for both non-critical and critical hits.

attack legend for a “Combo”:

Table of Contents

  1. Agripinaa Mk I Infantry Autogun
  2. Columnus Mk V Infantry Autogun
  3. Graia Mk VIII Infantry Autogun
  4. Columnus Mk II Braced Autogun
  5. Graia Mk IV Braced Autogun
  6. Agripinaa Mk VIII Braced Autogun
  7. Vraks Mk III Headhunter Autogun
  8. Vraks Mk VII Headhunter Autogun
  9. Agripinaa Mk IX Headhunter Autogun
  10. Ius Mk III Shredder Autopistol
  11. Locke Mk IIb Spearhead Boltgun
  12. Orestes Mk IV Assault Chainaxe
  13. Tigrus Mk II Heavy Eviscerator
  14. Cadia Mk IV Assault Chainsword
  15. Rashad Mk II Combat Axe
  16. Antax Mk V Combat Axe
  17. Achlys Mk VIII Combat Axe
  18. Atrox Mk II Tactical Axe
  19. Atrox Mk IV Tactical Axe
  20. Atrox Mk VII Tactical Axe
  21. Standard-issue Munitorum Sapper Shovel
  22. Catachan Mk III Combat Blade
  23. Catachan Mk I “Devil’s Claw” Sword
  24. Catachan Mk IV “Devil’s Claw” Sword
  25. Catachan Mk VII “Devil’s Claw” Sword
  26. Turtolsky Mk VI Heavy Sword
  27. Turtolsky Mk VII Heavy Sword
  28. Turtolsky Mk IX Heavy Sword
  29. Maccabian Mk II Duelling Sword
  30. Maccabian Mk IV Duelling Sword
  31. Maccabian Mk V Duelling Sword
  32. Equinox Mk III Trauma Force Staff
  33. Rifthaven Mk II Purgatus Force Staff
  34. Nomanus Mk VI Surge Force Staff
  35. Equinox Mk IV Voidstrike Force Staff
  36. Obscurus Mk II Blaze Force Sword
  37. Kantrael MG Ia Infantry Lasgun
  38. Kantrael MG IV Infantry Lasgun
  39. Kantrael MG XII Infantry Lasgun
  40. Lucius Mk I Helbore Lasgun
  41. Lucius Mk II Helbore Lasgun
  42. Lucius Mk III Helbore Lasgun
  43. Accatran Mk II Recon Lasgun
  44. Accatran Mk VId Recon Lasgun
  45. Accatran Mk VIIa Recon Lasgun
  46. Accatran MG Mk II Heavy Laspistol
  47. Brute-Brainer Mk III Latrine Shovel
  48. “Brunt Special” Mk I Bully Club
  49. “Brunt’s Pride” Mk II Bully Club
  50. Krourk Mk VI Cleaver
  51. Bull Butcher Mk III Cleaver
  52. Krourk Mk IV Cleaver
  53. Blastoom Mk III Grenadier Gauntlet
  54. Krourk Mk V Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber
  55. Achlys Mk I Power Maul
  56. Orox Mk II Battle Maul & Mk III Slab Shield
  57. Foe-Rend Mk II Ripper Gun
  58. Foe-Rend Mk V Ripper Gun
  59. Foe-Rend Mk VI Ripper Gun
  60. Lorenz Mk V Kickback
  61. Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler
  62. M35 Magnacore Mk II Plasma Gun
  63. Indignatus Mk IVe Crusher
  64. Munitorum Mk III Power Sword
  65. Lawbringer Mk VI Combat Shotgun
  66. Zarona Mk IIa Quickdraw Stub Revolver
  67. Crucis Mk II Thunder Hammer


Agripinaa Mk I Infantry Autogun


Columnus Mk V Infantry Autogun


Graia Mk VIII Infantry Autogun


Columnus Mk II Braced Autogun


Graia Mk IV Braced Autogun


Agripinaa Mk VIII Braced Autogun


Vraks Mk III Headhunter Autogun


Vraks Mk VII Headhunter Autogun


Agripinaa Mk IX Headhunter Autogun


Ius Mk III Shredder Autopistol


Locke Mk IIb Spearhead Boltgun


Orestes Mk IV Assault Chainaxe


Tigrus Mk II Heavy Eviscerator


Cadia Mk IV Assault Chainsword


Rashad Mk II Combat Axe


Antax Mk V Combat Axe


Achlys Mk VIII Combat Axe


Atrox Mk II Tactical Axe


Atrox Mk IV Tactical Axe


Atrox Mk VII Tactical Axe


Standard-issue Munitorum Sapper Shovel


Catachan Mk III Combat Blade


Catachan Mk I “Devil’s Claw” Sword


Catachan Mk IV “Devil’s Claw” Sword


Catachan Mk VII “Devil’s Claw” Sword


Turtolsky Mk VI Heavy Sword


Turtolsky Mk VII Heavy Sword


Turtolsky Mk IX Heavy Sword


Maccabian Mk II Duelling Sword


Maccabian Mk IV Duelling Sword


Maccabian Mk V Duelling Sword


Equinox Mk III Trauma Force Staff


Rifthaven Mk II Purgatus Force Staff


Nomanus Mk VI Surge Force Staff


Equinox Mk IV Voidstrike Force Staff


Obscurus Mk II Blaze Force Sword


Kantrael MG Ia Infantry Lasgun


Kantrael MG IV Infantry Lasgun


Kantrael MG XII Infantry Lasgun


Lucius Mk I Helbore Lasgun


Lucius Mk II Helbore Lasgun


Lucius Mk III Helbore Lasgun


Accatran Mk II Recon Lasgun


Accatran Mk VId Recon Lasgun


Accatran Mk VIIa Recon Lasgun


Accatran MG Mk II Heavy Laspistol


Brute-Brainer Mk III Latrine Shovel


“Brunt Special” Mk I Bully Club


“Brunt’s Pride” Mk II Bully Club


Krourk Mk VI Cleaver


Bull Butcher Mk III Cleaver


Krourk Mk IV Cleaver


Blastoom Mk III Grenadier Gauntlet


Krourk Mk V Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber


Achlys Mk I Power Maul


Orox Mk II Battle Maul & Mk III Slab Shield


Foe-Rend Mk II Ripper Gun


Foe-Rend Mk V Ripper Gun


Foe-Rend Mk VI Ripper Gun


Lorenz Mk V Kickback


Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler


M35 Magnacore Mk II Plasma Gun


Indignatus Mk IVe Crusher


Munitorum Mk III Power Sword


Lawbringer Mk VI Combat Shotgun


Zarona Mk IIa Quickdraw Stub Revolver


Crucis Mk II Thunder Hammer